Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Happy Birthday Quinn!

I made this for a very special girl who is turning 6, and seeing that it it March and that she is Irish, what could be better than a "Green" birthday card!
I had a small problem with the cut settings on my Silhouette Cameo and the legs were damaged a bit but time has run out and I had to go with what I got. :(


  1. Soooooooooooooooo cute! Thank you for joining our Green challenge at Tiddly Inks.

  2. well she still looks super cute to Thank you so much for playing along with the Tiddly Inkers this week
    hugs Lou xx

  3. I love my Cameo, but man when it has issues it seriously frustrates me. I think you did an outstanding job and I would not have noticed the legs! :D So glad you went with it and played along with us at Tiddly Inks. Goodluck!
    ~DT Tabbatha

  4. What a cutie! I love the green beret! Thanks so much for joining us at Tiddly Inks... Good Luck :)
